Why Breakups Are Not Dissimilar to Withdrawing From Drug Addiction

Why Breakups Are Not Dissimilar to Withdrawing From Drug Addiction

You may be feeling that you are behaving erratically and feel the urge to contact your ex. Despite them clearly stating “it’s over”, you still relentlessly call, text and email. Has your former partner started calling you a “psycho” and depicting you as the devil incarnate? Do your emotions feel out of control but you physically can’t help it? Sobbing uncontrollably and making dramatic appearances at your former lovers home in a desperate attempt for reconciliation sound familiar? You’re not alone.

Exercising Your Inner Guide and Intuition

Exercising Your Inner Guide and Intuition

I have been feeling out of sorts for some time but only just registering it because it is manifesting itself physically. Damn trying to dampen thoughts and feelings on a soul level! I always tell my clients that these will emerge regardless if they try to repress them. Why do we tend not to take our own advice though?! Feeling a general lack of motivation, I understand that this is just a delayed reaction to the event I alluded to in an earlier post - it’s all linked back to a toxic working environment (not my coaching business I hasten to add). Identifying what you can be in control of and what you need to let go of is important in these situations. As soon as you establish this, it will lose its grip and power over you. 

10 Warning Signs That You Are Being Gaslighted

10 Warning Signs That You Are Being Gaslighted

The term ‘gaslighting’ originated from the 1940 play ‘Gaslight’, which shows a husband manipulate his wife to the point where she questions her reality. The play was later adapted into a film in 1944 and it is this that many people reference when describing this type of abuse.