My Story


In 2015 I left an abusive relationship, quit my job and moved back home with my parents. I endured over 8.5 years of physical, emotional and psychological abuse which eroded my identity, self esteem and confidence.

I entered into the relationship in my late teens, I had no previous relationship experience or frame of reference to gauge what a healthy relationship was. I made excuses for my abuser, often convincing myself that I must have somehow triggered his response. Perhaps he had cause to throw hot tea over me, criticise me and spit the freshly cooked dinner I had just made into my face and then proceed to deliberately and slowly pour it over the living room floor. Maybe he was being unfaithful multiple times because I wasn't being attentive enough to his needs. Regardless of my lack of experience, I could gauge how he made me feel. I would leave notes to myself in my diaries and books, in the hope that I would finally act on my desperate urges to leave him; "Dana, please leave him. He is no good. No good at all". 

During this time I was in thousands of pounds of debt. I took out store cards and loans to feed a shopping addiction. I bought clothing every week, but often the tags would remain on the items for several years and they would never be worn. I was in a job that I hated with colleagues who were toxic. Disillusioned in their roles but unwilling to change their circumstances, instead; favouring to launder their grievances and bemoan their untapped potential with an air of self entitlement.  

A turning point was when I discovered that my boyfriend had been unfaithful again with someone much younger in age - just a week before my birthday. It was then that I declared calmly that I wanted to end the relationship. These words fell on deaf ears as I had already made such bold statements many times before. But for me, I remained resolute with my decision. A year of stalking and harassment ensued, with veiled threats being made and subliminal messages being prominently placed around my apartment so that I would catch sight of them. It was near-on impossible to begin dating during this time and I was conscious not to implicate anyone. It became apparent that I needed to take drastic action and initiate change to fully break away from my abuser. It was then that I made the decision to start over, so I left my job, relocated and moved back home with my parents. 

I was 28 years old, unemployed, living with my parents and had lost the life that I had always known. The catalyst for change came when I happened across a job in welfare some several months later; the day before the deadline and in a location a commutable distance from me. I eagerly applied with little knowledge of the role, but a sense of innate yearning for it. I now regard that day as the stars aligning. My natural gravitation towards helping others was realised when I was successful with the assessment and interview process and I embarked on a seven month training program to learn counselling skills. I gleaned so much clarity and direction, I felt that I had finally found fulfilment and true peace and happiness. I rebuilt my life around my newfound purpose, excelled on the course and made new friends. 

Then fast forward to two relationships later, a breakdown and bout of therapy; today I can genuinely say that I have found inner peace and happiness. I have become a homeowner without any help, am debt free and have savings in the bank. I have a beautiful little companion in my dog, Chester. A wonderful fulfilling job that stimulates and rewards me in addition to being self employed with my own Coaching business; Dana Camm Coaching. Here I use my inner rescuer for good to help support others who are recovering from being in a toxic relationship. I am also personally working with two Coaches; a Lifestyle/Business Set-up Coach and a Fitness Coach. I can honestly say that they are worth their weight in gold. I may have been able to achieve what I have on my own but it would have taken me so much longer. I wasted my twenties stuck in an abusive relationship, I didn't really want to be wasting anymore time waiting... for the right time, waiting... until I can afford to hire a Coach, waiting... until I feel ready etc. The list of excuses and procrastination really was endless. The key to success is action. Could I afford my Coach? No! I took 2K from my house deposit but within 2 weeks I had made the money back; £400 owed back from my former boyfriend (after an initial wait of six months!), £510 unexpected rebate from a snowboarding trip and then my monthly wages. I knew the money would come back to me somehow. Belief, another key to success. What you think you become, what you think you attain. I thought the initial investment was necessary to propel me forwards and help me to continue with my personal development. Was I scared? Hell yes! At this point I had never spent more than £100 on a pair of shoes, never mind 2K for a Life Coach! Now, I am leading the lifestyle of my dreams and I know that I will continue to work with Coaches throughout my life as I continually move towards new goals. 

I initiated my life transformation three years ago and within just six months of that I have attained and achieved so much; recovered from a breakdown that left me feeling suicidal, bought a house, found inner peace and unconditional happiness (away from external influences), have savings in the bank and have embarked on setting up a business! I really want to share my experiences and impart the actions that I took to achieve all this. To encourage others to step away from living a mediocre life and just going through the motions on autopilot. 

Honestly, this is all about YOU, feeling good, feeling powerful, identifying what you want and going at it! Stepping into the life you want, NOT aimlessly winging it or feeling disillusioned. 

Nail your dream and click on the Work With Me tab to get started.

I don’t recognise the girl I used to be a few years ago; aimless, insecure and miserable. Now I stand tall, am full of confidence and have so much clarity, I know exactly what direction I'm heading in. 

Are you coming with me?!