Manifesting Your Dream Partner

Relationship goals.

Relationship goals.

Since embarking on a quest to seek independence I had become so incredibly happy in my own company as the trajectory of my life took a different course and transformed before me. By focusing on my well-being and self-development I felt a sense of achievement for the life I had created and became switched off to finding a relationship.

I have always and will continue to be an advocate for focusing your energy on yourself first and foremost. It was honestly the making of me. 

Having a partner had only ever caused me drama, pain and literal grief whilst being independent had opened up so many opportunities for me. I created a new version of what life could look like, how it could be. And I absolutely loved it. I changed career to one that completely lights me up and compliments my personality and plays to my strengths, I made friends, went away on multiple holidays, enlisted with the Army Reserves and created a business. I bought my first home and dream car. But most importantly I found a happiness I never dared to believe existed. All on my own. 

So although I had effectively tuned out of dating and was adamant I had no interest in meeting anyone soon, what did I go and end up manifesting? A bloody relationship!  

Last November I started dating someone and I initially resisted because I didn't feel ready, it wasn't part of my plan, on my agenda. But before long I realised that this is EXACTLY how the law of attraction works. The universe does not respond to giving you what you want when you focus on the lack. I had positioned myself in life where I was ready to receive and be loved unconditionally because I had done the inner work. I finally became content with all that I had. I believed in myself and had started to care about what happened to me. It didn't matter that I initially had to pretend and fake the process, because the more positive affirmations I flooded my mind with, the more they overrode and rewired the inner critic. The beliefs became my truth. 

My boyfriend is everything and more I wanted in a man. He is kind, thoughtful and incredibly intuitive. He picks up on my energy and senses what I am feeling. He buys me random gifts just because. Like vitamins he has heard have powerful properties and crystals to ward off negative energy. He spontaneously booked a holiday to Rhodes and has decorated my living room, hallway and bathrooms. He double and triple texts me if I haven't yet had time to respond and doesn't care for game playing. He is attentive and actively listens to me, taking a genuine interest in all I have to say. When I am cooking, he comes in to help chop up vegetables without being prompted and does my laundry and ironing. He has the strongest morals of any man I know and is family orientated, which is important to me. He encourages and supports me and shows me a different side to consider, rather than being biased to my own opinion. He makes me a better person. 

I was cautious of whether he could be love bombing me in the beginning but realised that his thoughtfulness is a quality innate to him, that he has no agenda. I still have self-limiting beliefs like everyone else. At times I feel insecure and undeserving and try and test him through self-sabotage, but each attempt has been met with reassurance and understanding and he tells me exactly what I want and need to hear. Although he has all these amazing attributes, he isn't a pushover and will often put his neck on the line to do the right thing - which in itself can create more drama, but integrity is part of his nature and I wouldn't change that. 

I have been mindful that six months on it is still early days so I have not wanted to get ahead of myself, 'speak too soon' or jinx it. However, every day that goes by I feel more and more confident that this is the person I will probably be with long term. 

I remember when I was a child I asked my mum how you know when to change gears on a car and she said, "You just know". I never found this to be very helpful at the time but since I've been driving, I get it. Similarly, I used to always wonder when you know you have met the right person. I can now categorically say that, you just know. There will be no trace of doubt in your mind. You will want to spend time with that person and you will genuinely care for them without it being about needing validation or something from them to plug a void. As I always tell my clients, your relationship should only ever enhance your life, you should already have firm foundations that you have created yourself to build on top of. 

There is no magic formula or set timing for anything that must develop naturally and organically. No step-by-step E-Book will teach you how to 'Manifest Your Dream Partner' so please don't be drawn in to these claims. Believe me, I have paid out and been there and I was led down a dangerous path of longing and heart ache. You must do the inner work. It can feel counter intuitive at the beginning to do the opposite of what you want to do but when you start to feel that you are deserving of more, you will attract more into your life. Until you are in this position, you will only ever attract what you have always had - as nothing has changed.

Opportunities will come your way almost as soon as you change your mindset which will no doubt introduce you to new people. Your world will open up and you will see the possibilities of what you can have, who you can become and who you can welcome into your life. Consider the language I use... 'Welcome'. You must always invite somebody to be a part of your life. No one should ever encroach upon you without your go ahead. Relationships aren't completely effortless because the usual ups and downs of life will of course still happen, but your life should mostly be stress and drama free and if challenges occur, they should certainly not be directly and deliberately caused by the person who claims to love you. 

I have a strong desire to coach others because I have tread this path a few years before you. I know how it feels, I understand. I do not make any wild claims that by working with me you will manifest a partner. What I offer is simple and straight forward. I can help you find yourself, establish what you want, set goals, show you how to banish depression and get you excited about your life to put you in prime position to meet your soulmate. I strongly believe that you will create the life of your dreams and achieve all that you desire and more. To date, this is exactly what my clients before you have achieved. 

I have reverse engineered the process of what I did to completely transform my life so that I can impart it to others. Because I have achieved such profound and rapid change, I know that anyone can. I provide you with the blueprint. I believe in you where you may not at this time. I see hope for your future where you may still doubt. And often this can be just enough to set you on your journey. For someone to take you by the hand and show you the right path. It is okay to have someone guide you. Before long, you will be walking that path independently and savouring every sweet moment of your journey. Take my hand, your dream life is here for the taking.